Menezes e Filho Ltda BASE LIBA
The company is located in the city of Ilhéus – Ba. It has been operating in the port logistics support sector since 1972, carrying out port operation, customs clearance of import and export, shipping agency and logistic support, supporting several port operations and logistics solutions to meet all the needs of its clients.
The Company has a qualified and capable team, composed of trained professionals, working according to the strictest safety standards, to ensure that there is no risk both for workers and for goods.
Menezes e Filho is composed of the Environmental Management Systems, Occupational Health and Safety Management and Quality Management, respectively, based on the ISO 14001: 2015, – OSHAS 18001: 2007 and NBR ISO 9001: 2015 standards.
Permanently seek the satisfaction of clients and employees, practicing services with efficiency, quality and social responsibility.
Be the leading and innovative company operating in the areas of Logistic Support in loading and unloading operations in port operations; Customs clearance and Shipping agency, committed to generating value for customers, employees and the community.
- Our provision of services must reflect the highest standards of ethics;
- Our communication must be clear and precise;
- Our management team should be consistent and focused;
- Our relationship with customers and collaborators should be transparent.