Menezes e Filho, located in Ilhéus – BA, in its activities of providing logistical support services in cargo loading and unloading operations in port operations; Customs Clearance and Shipping Agency, knowing the importance of man and the environment in your business and believing in the principles for quality, the environment and occupational safety and health, commit to:

 Ensure the continuous improvement of the performance of its services in terms of quality, environment and health and safety, eliminating hazards and risks of occupational health and safety;

Ensuring services suited to the particular characteristics of customers, as well as satisfaction within the levels of quality and productivity; with competitive costs and continuous updating of objectives and targets, provided they are technically and economically feasible;

Meet the legal requirements and other applicable requirements subscribed to your business and the integrated management system;

Apply practices aimed at preventing hierarchy and adverse socio-economic impacts on its processes and services, as well as preventing standards, and other work-related health problems, providing safe and healthy working conditions;

Provide Supply structure for the establishment and critical analysis of the SGI objectives;

Promote consultation and participation of workers and, where applicable, of the workers’ representative;